The Helper you are searching for 您正在尋找的是 …
Nationality 國籍 印尼 Location 來自 海外
Contract Status 合約狀態 已终止 Available from 可開工日期 2024-05-31
Skills 技能 照顧幼兒, 照顧小孩, 照顧老人, 照顧卧床, 一般家務, Years Exp. 經驗 7.7
個人紀錄 / Personal Data
Name 姓名 *** 傭工編號/Code 2024102
Age 年齡 42 Gender 性別
Height 高度(cm) 148 Weight 體重(kg) 50
Education 學歷 高中 Religion 宗教 基督教
Marital Status 婚姻狀況 已婚
No. of Children 子女數目: 2 Boy yrs年齡 18 Girl yrs年齡 13
Language Ability 語文能力 Remark 備註 (評語只供參考)
學習中 Learning 中等 Average 好 Good
Cantonese 廣東話
Mandarin 普通話
English 英語
1.4 mont feb 2023 to 31 may 2024//princeadword //mam Badrident +sir healty+12 yo //interminit .

2019 to 2023 in Indonesia

3 mont, desember 2018// kenedtwn//Granpa 90 yo //granpa passway and finish

2 yrs 2016 to 2018//siusaiwan//granma 92 yo +mam//finish becouse granma passway

4 yrs 2012 to 2016 //Kwaifong //6 yo +7 yo +couple +granma not healthy //finish
General Information 一般諮詢 Y是/N否
Are you willing to sharing a room with babies / children / elder? 你願意和小孩/ 嬰兒 /長者同房嗎?
Are you willing to work with other helpers? 你願意和其他幫手一起工作嗎?
Are you willing to work on Sundays? 你是否願意在星期日工作 ? 面議
Are you OK if employer stays at home? 如果雇主留在家裡,你可以嗎?
Do you drink alcohol or smoke regularly? 你是否有吸煙或飲酒的習慣 ?
Do you accept recording camera installed in non-private area? 接受雇主家在非私人地區設置錄像機?

此表的一切資料均由傭工提供, 本公司已力求詳盡真確,客戶需於面試及甄選過程中自行核實相 關資料,本公司對傭工個人資料之真確性,並不作出任何保證。
Any information shown in this form is solely provided by the Helper, “IDEAL” has sought the information as detailed and genuine as practicable within reasonable control. Clients should verify by themselves the related information during the interviews and screenings.
No guarantee for the authenticity of the helpers' personal data is hereby given by“IDEAL”.

Nationality 國籍
Location 來自
Contract Status 合約狀態
Available from 可開工日期
Skills 技能
Years Exp. 經驗
Name 姓名
Age 年齡
Gender 性別
Height 高度
Weight 體重
Religion 宗教
Marital Status 婚姻狀況
No. of Children 子女數目
Experience 海外經驗:
Hong Kong 香港:7.7years 年,
Language Ability 語文能力
Cantonese 廣東話 :好 , Mandarin 普通話 :學習中 , English 英語:學習中
Remark 備註 (評語只供參考)
1.4 mont feb 2023 to 31 may 2024//princeadword //mam Badrident +sir healty+12 yo //interminit .

2019 to 2023 in Indonesia

3 mont, desember 2018// kenedtwn//Granpa 90 yo //granpa passway and finish

2 yrs 2016 to 2018//siusaiwan//granma 92 yo +mam//finish becouse granma passway

4 yrs 2012 to 2016 //Kwaifong //6 yo +7 yo +couple +granma not healthy //finish
Are you willing to sharing a room with babies / children / elder? 你願意和小孩/ 嬰兒 /長者同房嗎?
Are you willing to work with other helpers? 你願意和其他幫手一起工作嗎?
Are you willing to work on Sundays? 你是否願意在星期日工作 ?
Are you OK if employer stays at home? 如果雇主留在家裡,你可以嗎?
Do you drink alcohol or smoke regularly? 你是否有吸煙或飲酒的習慣 ?
Do you accept recording camera installed in non-private area? 接受雇主家在非私人地區設置錄像機?

此表的一切資料均由傭工提供, 本公司已力求詳盡真確,客戶需於面試及甄選過程中自行核實相 關資料,本公司對傭工個人資料之真確性,並不作出任何保證。
Any information shown in this form is solely provided by the Helper, “IDEAL” has sought the information as detailed and genuine as practicable within reasonable control. Clients should verify by themselves the related information during the interviews and screenings.
No guarantee for the authenticity of the helpers' personal data is hereby given by“IDEAL”.